Pediatric Physical & Occupational Therapy Services (Seattle) and Pacific Northwest Pediatric Therapy (Portland) are private practices owned and operated by Rosemary White, OTR/L. The practices serve children with challenges associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger's Syndrome, sensory processing disorders (sensory integration disorders), regulatory disorders, dyspraxia, learning, behavioral and neurological disorders. Services are fee-based. No professional referral required.

The Experimental Education Unit (EEU) is a state certified special education school that serves children from birth to age seven with diverse abilities. In addition, faculty at the EEU conduct research projects and provide training opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students, educators, and other professionals.

Seattle Public Libraries run regular special story times for for children ages 10 and under who have a hard time in large groups, are on the autism spectrum or are sensitive to sensory overload. Our librarians will use preschool-level books, songs and movement during story times.